Tuesday 7 August 2012


This is the script of the drama

 "MARINE BIODIVERSITY",composed by me.

Shagu    : Namasthe. We are from Srimathi Durgadevi Choudhary Vivekananda Vidhyalaya. Here we have a small present for you. It is our trial to make awareness about marine creatures, its eco system, its importance and threat to it.
                    Three friends are walking on the sea shore of Bay of Bengal. Let’s watch them.
Scene – 1
Hari, Vishal and Varsha are walking on the sea shore.
Hari        : What a cool breeze; but some offensive smell? (Closes his nostril)
They see some fishes are scattered.
Hari        : Hey, see here, so many tiny dead fishes!
Vishal    : The fisher men might have thrown it
Varsha  : It’s of no use to them. They can sell only big fishes.
Hari        : Then why did they catch the small ones.
Vishal    : No, no; they are not caught, but entangled with the big ones.
Hari        : if fishes are killed at young, how the fish population will grow.
Vishal    : Even adult fishes are caught faster than their birth rate. This causes large reduction.
Varsha  : The whales have been over hunted for their meat and oil.
Vishal    : Four  whale species namely Fin, Blue, Sei and Humpback are declined.
Varsha  : Today modern techniques have made the whale hunting easy and the blue whale is an endangered species.
Scene – 2
Venkat is repairing his net. While walking, Hari’s leg knotted in the net.
Hari        : Ouch. I’m caught.
Others laugh. Vishal helps to get out.
Varsha  : The nets are made of nylon and donot rot underwater.
                  They become death trap to seals, dolphins and other marine creatures.
Venkat                 : (Stands up) Sorry, that I don’t know; please tell me more about it.
Vishal    : We also destroy coral reef.
Hari        : what is coral reef? What are their importances?
Varsha  : Coral reefs are cup shaped sea habitats. These protect the soft bodied animals. It helps in mitigating marine disasters, providing raw material for industry. They also control green house effect.
Vishal    : Corals are damaged by boats. Not only that; they are also harmed by spear guns and poisons, used for catching fish.
Venkat : Yes, yes. I agree, I have seen many corals damaged.
Scene – 3
While these 4 continue walking, Shaguftha was walking in front of them and eating some foods from polythene pack. After finishing the eating she throws the polythene pack over the sea bed.
Varsha  : (Shouting at Shaguftha) Hey, don’t throw the plastic. The sea is not a rubbish bin.
Shagu    :  Sorry, I forgot for a moment
Hari        : So much of waste is pumped and dumped into the sea.
Vishal    : Poisonous acids, farm chemicals and all are washed down by rain and enter the oceans.
Shagu    : Can’t the ocean break up and dissolve large quantities of waste.
Vishal    : Of course, but there are limits. Many sea animals are injured, strangled or suffocated. The toxic wastes is driving the animals away.
Hari        : Pesticides enter the water and accumulate in the bodies of aquatic organisms.
Varsha  : You are right, through the food chain, the poisions enter other animals and us too.
Venkat : Then we will also become endangered.
Shagu    : Other animals? In the Ocean?
Varsha  : Yes, Oceans are the largest ecosystem. You know, life began in ocean only, a single celled algae evolved. They are called Floating plants or Phyto plankton
Venkat : Is it?
Varsha  : Yea, then single celled animals evolved, called Floating Animals or Zoo plankton. These feed on phyto plankton.
Venkat : Yes, It means both Plants and Animals are available under the sea.
Vishal    : Certainly, but not under the sea alone. Marine organisms are classified as Floating, Swimming and Bottom dwelling
Hari        : A diversified bio system.
Shag      : The oceans are a rich store of food. Every year, 70 Million tons of fish are caught. Modern technology has helped to harvest more fish.
Venkat : As the human population increased, people turned more and more towards the oceans for food and raw materials.
Shag      : You are right, because of this oceans are polluted, marine organisms are damged.
Venkat : How to stop this nonsense?
Hari        : Countries have realised the importance of ocean. Laws are made to restrict the dumping of ocean.
Vishal    : Whales have become the symbol for international ocean conservation.
Varsha  : Oceans can be conserved by Fishery management, Pollution control and regularising the oil rigging.
Venkat : Gaps in the fishing net must be large. So that small fish can escape and thus fish can live longer and maintain the numbers. Thus over fishing can be restricted.
Vishal    : Hunting of seals, whales and sea birds should be prohibited.
Hari        : Pollution of ocean should be prevented.
All           : Thus we shall conserve our oceans and save us.

Scene - 4
Shagu    : Dear viewers, we understood the oceans and thier resources are essential for our livlihood and economical well-being.
                 We should ensure that these resources and opportunities are available for us and future generations.
                 Leaving this thought lingering in your mind, we take a leave.
All           : Thank you.

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